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The Writing of Keith Drury

No fancy graphics or streaming video here—just a site of provocative and sometimes helpful writing for Christians who think. Thanks for dropping by. Help yourself to anything you need -- everything is free but its worth it. -- Keith Drury



Reading these pages has been found to

cause thinking among some Evangelicals.




OUT OF DATE (but not quite ready to toss out)

~ What about Mel Gibson’s The Passion of Christ

~ DENOMINATIONAL LOYALTY: Who's king now?..... denominations, local churches, or is there a third option?

~ Ever wonder why we have so many cranky Christians ?
~ Will we see the rise of the 'network Church'?
~ REFERENCE:: An excerpt from a letter on the dangers of denominational work.
~ REFERENCE:: A historical sketch on the demise of Aldersgate cooperative publishing in the holiness denominations?

~ FORGIVENESS: Does the Christian church possess the power to damn Bill Clinton or other sinners? .....(Responses)
~ BOOMERS: The trouble with our boomer priorities in picking pastors... or Presidents.....(Responses)

~ GENX:  15 Characteristics of Generation X observed hiking the Appalachian Trail.

~ HISTORY: What should we learn from the past 20 years of evangelical history?..... (Responses)
~ W.W.J.D. So can you explain the W.W.J.D bracelet fade-out? .....(Responses)
~ INTERNET: Is the Internet (and the church) becoming Citizen's Band-ized?

~ PASSION: Have you experienced this new second work of grace?.....( responses) 4
~ PROMISEKEEPERS:  Camp meeting confessions... a reminder to returning Promise Keepers pastors.
~ SUPER CHURCH: Why in the world would a super church pastor leave?
~ REVIVAL: Crouch tells me we're right in the midst of a great revival? ...What revival?
~ STRESS: What do we ministers do when we get spread too thin?

~ PREDICTIONS: Check me on my (unedited) predictions of 5 years ago. 

~ PROMISEKEEPERS: The law of Unintended Consequences applied to Promise Keepers...... (Responses)
~ MONEY: How much should we pay evangelists or do we even need them?
~ CHURCH POISON: Ever seen a church? infected with spiritual E. coli bacteria? ......(Responses) .
~ MISSION CREEP: Think we've got problems in Eastern Europe? -- how about mission creep in the church?



~ Three views of war and a "Just War?" (guest column by Steve Horst)

~  When America turns to god which god is it?" --civil religion.

~  Is there such a thing as a Christian nation" --how to respond?

~  Who's to blame for this?  Terrorism and Theology --time to do theology! (Open Theism)



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