Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks
Our gracious and loving
Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the
name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. We're thankful for Who
and What You are and we thank You for what You mean to us. Thank You for
saving us and making us new creatures in Christ Jesus. Thank You for
walking with us on our journey of life. You're always there. We
never walk alone, but You're there. Even when we
don't feel Your nearness we know that You're with us.
We thank You for the fellowship of our fellow
believers. I thank You for my brothers and
sisters in Christ. We do care about each other and we do try to bear each
other's burdens and concerns, and we do want help to uplift and be a blessing
to each other. There are those here with us this morning that have
problems and difficulties and burdens that they're carrying. They came to
church today hoping to hear some word or experience some special moving of Your
Spirit that will give encouragement. Let them know that they aren't
forsaken nor forgotten. Be to them just exactly
what they need right now as they reach out to You for
Your touch.
We pray for the Swanson family that have lost their loved one this week.
We know they have the assurance that she is with You
but they still need Your comforting presence today and in the days to
come. There are others that have lost loved ones recently, too.
Please be to them all that they need of Your love and
grace day after day.
Thank You, Lord, for Your leading to us as a
church. Thank You for directing us in Your will
and Your way and help our pastors and leaders to continue to be sensitive to
Your Holy Spirit and to continue to discern Your voice. We want to be a
continual influence in our community for godliness and holiness and
righteousness. Help us to know how to do that in effective ways that will
make a difference.
We pray for our president and his cabinet and for the men and women of
congress. We know that many of them are praying men and women and we're
thankful for their influence in the affairs of our nation. We pray for an
awakening that will cause people's hearts to turn to You
and help stem the tide of wickedness and ungodliness that abounds all around
We pray for the spread of Your word around the
world. We know that there are Christians in every nation and many of them
live under constant danger and threats on their very lives. We pray for the missionary force; those that are laboring in many
different ways to witness to needy people. Give wisdom and
spiritual strength and make them effective in their work for Your Kingdom.
We pray for the one that will bring the message to us in just a few
minutes. We pray for Your anointing upon
him. Give him clearness of thought and the power of Your Holy Spirit.
Thank You for hearing our prayers today. In the name of Jesus we
pray. Amen.