Pastoral Prayers by Paul Meeks #11-20
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 11)
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We know that you do hear us when we pray and we know that you speak to us when we listen to you. You're more willing to give than we are to ask. So, Lord, we want to talk to you but we also want you to speak to us. We need to hear from you today and our hearts and minds are open to you. You speak to us through our worship as we sing and pray and as we hear the message from your word. So, we come with anticipation and expectation.
We rejoice in who and what you are. You have all power in heaven and earth and you have all wisdom to use that power for your glory and honor as you rule over the entire universe. There's nothing too hard for you. We've seen your hand in our world and in the affairs of our own individual lives and we're so thankful that you're in charge. We don't always understand, but we trust you. You're too wise to make mistakes and to loving to be unkind.
And now, Lord, we want to talk to you about some of our needs and burdens. Some things seem like crises to us, but we know that you can do something about them. We can't make it on our own and we don't even want to try. There's nobody here today that doesn't have some kind of a need, all kinds of needs. Many in our fellowship have physical problems, cancers, heart problems, malfunction of organs and many others. You made our bodies and you know how they work. We bring you these needs today and ask that you would bring healing and wholeness and minister to each one. We pray, too, for some that have financial problems. Some need jobs and we ask that you would intervene for them. There are those that have relational difficulties; husbands and wives that are estranged need to forgive each other. Parents and children need to be reconciled. You're the great healer and we pray for healing of bodies and minds and emotions and relationships. Others have spiritual needs. They've failed you and they need to ask for forgiveness and restoration. Help each one to call out to you and find in you the answer to every need.
We pray for our president and all his cabinet and advisors. Give wisdom and understanding and help them to be worthy leaders. We pray for the men and women in the congress and in the courts of the land. May justice and righteousness and truth be the basis of their decisions and help them to be guided by godly principles.
We pray for our needy world, all around us and throughout the whole world. We pray for your kingdom to come and your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We have continual concerns because of insurgents and those that are working to bring disorder and strife. We pray for the evil men who are planning and carrying out bombings and killings. We pray for the Holy Spirit to strive with them and to speak to them in dreams and through their conscience. We remember in your word that Saul, the persecutor was turned into the Apostle Paul through a dramatic encounter with Jesus, and that's what we pray for these evil men. You are the God of all grace and you love even these evil men and want them to come to repentance because you said it wasn't your will that any should perish.
We pray for your continual leading to us as a congregation. We want to follow your will and plan and we want to be a church after your own heart. Put into our hearts and minds your own thoughts and purposes and help us to be sensitive to your leadership. We believe that you are continually molding us into the kind of people you want us to be.
We pray for our building project and all the things involved there. We're thankful for the progress that's being made week after week. Give wisdom to those responsible for making decisions and finalizing all the plans.
We pray for Pastor Steve as he ministers your word again today. Speak through him to us and may we be obedient hearers.
In the name of Jesus we pray.
Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 12)
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, the name that's above every name in heaven and on earth. Your Word tells us that some day at that name every knee shall bow and acknowledge that he is Lord. We've acknowledged you as Lord and we want you to BE Lord of our lives. We want you to be in control and we want you to lead us in your will and in your way. We don't want to be just ordinary Christians whatever that means. We want to be godly men and women that are truly different. It takes so little to be above average and we don't want to settle for that.&n bsp; We don't want to be just an ordinary church, either, whatever that means. We want to be a church that follows hard after God. We want to be busy following your agenda. It takes so little to be above average and we don't want to settle for that as a church, either.
And, God, I'm thinking right now about
And now, Lord, that's why we're here today. We're different. There are thousands of people in our county that never go to church and it seems they rarely think of God and eternity. But we're here in your house to hear from you because that's what we need. We didn't come with a "holier than thou" attitude because we're too needy ourselves to feel that way. Each one of us is a "work in progress" no matter how long we've walked with you and we want to know what you want to say to us today. We need to hear your voice and we're listening. Some of us need to hear comforting words, come nee d encouragement because of what they're facing right now. Some need challenging words that will cause them to move on with their lives and claim new territory. And some need to be rebuked and chided because of failure and sin. Whatever the needs are, you already know and you're faithful and true. Look deep down inside each of us and see the things that are there, even those things that nobody else knows about, but we know and you know. Please meet our needs today.
We pray for our country, for our president and his cabinet and advisors. We pray for the men and women in government all across the land from our congress down to the local officials in our area. We pray, too, for the men and women in the courts. We ask for unusual wisdom for all of them. May the Holy Spirit bring thoughts and influence to their minds and spirits that will cause them to make right decisions.
We pray for sick and suffering people among us. What great physical problems and sicknesses there are. They all need your physical touch and also encouragement from your Holy Spirit for them and their families as they go through the trials together. Be to them just what they need this very day.
We pray for Pastor Steve as he gives the message from your word. Thank you for using him week after week and we pray for him that he will continue to be available to you to speak through him. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.
Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 13)
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, the name that's above very name on earth and in all of heaven. We bow our heads and our hearts before you today, Lord Jesus. Your word tells us that some day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that you are Lord. We joyfully bow before you today and confess that you're OUR Lord now.
Much of the world is thinking about your coming into the world. Decorations are being put up in our homes, in our yards, on the streets and in malls. Somehow every decoration is a testimony and an acknowledgement that you did come. There are billions and billions of little twinkling lights and although many of the people that put them up don't know it, every little light is a witness that you came. That's why we have Christmas with all of its celebrations.
We pray for all of the students that will be leaving in a few days for their Christmas break. We ask for protection as they travel over the miles. We ask, too, that they'll be able to be a witness for you with friends and family, and that they can return refreshed to begin a new semester. We pray for the faculty as they have the break to recoup and prepare for classes that they'll be teaching next semester.
And in the church as we continue with different Christmas celebrations and activities, we ask they we will all be drawn closer to you and that we can be a blessing to those all around us. We want to portray the Spirit of Christ and remind people of the reason we celebrate Christmas.
We pray for special needs among us, particularly those who have lost loved ones in recent months. They'll be having many reminders of the absent ones and having a difficult time with all of the memories. May they be able to focus on the wonderful times of the past and be comforted even as they go through times of sadness.
We pray, too, for those with physical problems. These are difficult times for them as they may not be able to do things as in the past because of their physical limitations. Please minister to them and their families, too, as they need you.
Some are experiencing difficult times financially and may not be able to share with family and friends in ways they want to. But you know all about that and we ask that you would supply the needs and help them to find ways to make up for the lack of money in other ways.
We pray that in this service today we may continue to focus on you and your goodness and blessings. We want to hear from you and we know that you do speak to us when we listen to you, so our hearts and minds are open to you. Enable Pastor Steve to effectively give the message that you've inspired him to preach to us in a few minutes. May your anointing be on him and us as we hear.
We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 14)
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, the name that’s above every name in heaven and on earth. We read in your word that some day at that name every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that he is Lord. We’ve already done that. Jesus Christ is already our Lord. We serve him gladly and with honor and respect. What a difference that makes in our lives. All of life is different, and all of life has meaning and significance. How sad that many people want to order their own lives and leave you out and although your Holy Spirit is faithful to strive with people in ways we can’t even imagine, yet they go on in their own self-centered way. And you have to say to them, “Okay, then, have it your way, go your own way, but it’s the wrong way.” There are some right here today that are struggling with doing your will and we pray that they will make the wise decision to let you have your way.
Lord, we pray for the families of our church, the moms and dads the little babies and children. These are such important days when their young lives are being developed and habits and patterns of actions are formed. What awesome responsibilities the parents have. We pray for our teens that are facing so many challenges and pressures from their peers and from our society with opportunities for wrong choices. We thank you for all of those that are committed to you and are endeavoring to discover how they should live and what their future holds. Help us as a church to set the right example before them and to teach them the right way. Satan has always tried to destroy families and cause dissension and strife and to inspire people to divorce and separate. That’s not your will, but you want husbands and wives to be godly men and women and to be committed to each other and to you. We pray for those of this church who are in the throes of decision. We pray that they may not make the wrong decisions but will be led by the Holy Spirit to obey you.
We pray for our nation again today, for our president and
the men and women of the congress and those in the courts of our land. We
pray for the president as he leads the military forces around the world.
We ask for wisdom and strength as he works with the military leaders especially
We pray for wisdom for our pastoral staff and leaders of the church in the many important decisions that are being made day after day. May they all know how to discern your will and to follow your plan for our church during these important days.
We pray for Pastor Steve as he ministers your word today. May his words come from you and may they be effective to accomplish what you have in mind for us today.
We pray all this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who taught us to pray, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks (# 15)
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. It’s good to be able to come into your house and have this time to put aside the cares of life and the busyness of living. We’re hurrying about, planning, preparing, fixing, organizing and worrying about how everything’s going to turn out. Even while we’re here in church those thoughts tend to drown out your voice and what you want to say to us. We DO want to hear from you because we need to know again and anew today that you’re there and that you know us and where we are in our walk with you.
For some here today this present moment is filled with disappointment or impairment or heartache and their circumstances may be dreadful and filled with reasons for sadness or sorrow, they need you and they need us and the comfort of being in fellowship with you and with each other. We do receive uplift and encouragement from being here in your house. Help us to be sensitive to the needs of our brothers and sisters and speak a word of encouragement or even give a sincere smile or handshake. We do care about each other and we want to show it.
We pray for those with physical problems, some are going through cancer treatments, some have just gone through surgeries, some are facing surgery, and they all need a special physical touch from you. They also need emotional and spiritual uplift and encouragement. Please meet their needs and help them to keep their faith in you.
We pray for the terrible situations as a result of the hurricane in the South where there is devastation and death with thousands of people displaced. We can only try to imagine the range of emotions and empathize with the sorrowing and suffering ones. We pray for the thousands of people who have gone to that area to try to help alleviate the great needs. We pray for the government officials that have the awesome responsibility to work through all of the many involvements that they face in rebuilding and helping the needy people. Give grace and wisdom and understanding.
We pray for the leaders of our nation today and the many
important and critical situations they face. Give wisdom to our president
and the cabinet members and the men and women in congress. We pray for
our military personnel stationed around the world and especially those in
We pray for our church and for all of our leaders as new
plans and programs are finalized. We need your guidance and your
direction for us as a church. As hundreds of students will soon be coming
into our church from
We pray for Pastor Steve as he ministers your word today. May he sense your enabling presence and may each of us be obedient hearers.
We pray all this with praise and thanksgiving in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #16
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, the promised Messiah. The One that was so long awaited and expected, and now we know that you did come and you're still here. And so, we pray today, "Thy kingdom come." Walk again into our world, into my world. Be present in our hearts, in our homes, in our offices. Come into our marriages. Be the Lord of our families. Take control of our communities, of our nation. As we begin the celebrations of Christmas we truly pray that men's hearts will be turned to you in new and meaningful ways and that your kingdom will come. You came into the world, Lord Jesus, and we pray that your kingdom will come. What a difference your coming has made in the whole world and what a difference your coming has made our own worlds. Thank you. We honor and adore and worship you today.
Lord, we want to talk to you about some of our requests. We have questions and you have answers. We have problems and you have solutions. We have difficulties and you have help to offer. We have needs and you've promised to supply all of our needs. Lord, look into our hearts and minds and see all the things that are there. We have physical needs and emotional needs and financial needs. We have broken relationships that need restoration. Some have broken hearts that need to be mended; Some have shattered dreams that need to be renewed. What needy people we are, but you already know all about us and so, we reach up to you for your divine touch upon our hearts and minds and emotions. We're all different and we each respond to our needs and problems in different ways, but you know all about that, too. So right now touch us each in just the ways that we need you and help us to be reassured that you are there. We're not alone and there are no hopeless cases with you. Thank you for hearing our prayers right now.
We pray for our nation, for our president and his cabinet and advisors. Give them wisdom and understanding that goes far beyond the human and enable them to lead us in the ways justice and righteousness and truth. We pray for the men and women of the congress. Help them to seek you and your will for our country. We pray for the people in the courts of the land that they will serve justly and in truth.
We pray for the nations of the world and for your word as it's preached and taught. We're so thankful for the places where there is freedom of religion, but there are many closed countries where any Christian witness is severely restricted and where lives are in mortal danger if they attempt to follow you. Give them courage and your grace that will enable them to stand true to you.
Help us as a church to reach out to the needy all around us and around the world in meaningful ways that will make a difference. We want to be busy doing the things that are near to your heart and to follow you will and your way.
We pray for Pastor Steve as he brings the message. Give him clearness of thought and liberty to preach your truth.
We pray all of this in the name of Jesus with thanksgiving. Amen.
Paul Meeks,
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #17
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We worship you and give you our praise and honor because you're worthy. We thank you for all you do for us, but most of all we thank you for who you are. You reveal yourself to us in many ways but we'll never be able to comprehend or understand you because of your greatness. You're not some far off god that we can't approach but you're right here right now among us and even though we can't see you, you see us and you know all about us. We don't have to be separated from you because of our sin, but you sent your son, our Lord and Savior, to be the sacrifice for sin and we don't have to be separated from you. Thank you for your amazing grace. So we have the right and the privilege to approach you in prayer and to be assured that you do hear us. We know that you do answer prayer.
We're all here today as your children and a part of your family. We're not here where we are today by accident, but we're all a part of your plan. We've all tried to follow your plan for our individual lives, but we're all part of a bigger and much larger reality. You've ordered the events of our lives through your divine providence. We sometimes wonder how we've gotten to where we are and we have perplexities and can't see the road ahead as clearly as we'd like. We have questions and you have answers and we have problems and you have solutions. Even though we don't understand your providences we want to follow you and to know that our future is in your hands. Life is always onward and upward and we just want to follow you and walk with you. Thank you for always being there.
We have needs and burdens and concerns to talk to you about. There are many with physical problems, some with cancer who are going through treatments that need your special touch today. We ask for healing and wholeness. Uplift and encourage them and their loved ones that are walking beside them in their trying hours. Some have come through surgeries and are recovering by your mercy and grace. We rejoice with them. Others are facing surgery and they need your reassurance that you're with them and will be with them. Some are going through conflicts and heartache within their families. Please help them to know how to accept your enabling and let your grace reach into their hearts and homes and bring healing and restoration. Whatever the needs are we bring them to you ask for your answers.
We pray today for our president and the men and women in government and those in the courts of the land. You said that we should pray for those that have the rule over us and we do pray for them to be the kind of leaders that they should and can be by your grace. We pray for the military men and women and the dangers they face day after day and hour by hour. We pray for the defeat of evil and the evil men and women who plan and carry out the diabolical plans of satan. We pray for the spread of your word around the world and that righteousness and holiness will prevail.
We ask for your special blessing on Pastor Steve as he preaches your word today. May we be obedient to what you speak to us each one, because we know that you have a message for us.
We ask all this with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior who taught us to pray "Our Father who art in heaven . . . . .
Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #18
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We're meeting together in your house as your children, in your name. We're here because we want to be and we're also here because we need to be. We need these times of fellowship with each other and with you. You're already here because you're among us and you even dwell within us. We don't need to see you because we sense your presence. Nearer are you than breathing and closer than hands and feet. We worship you today and we want you to be glorified as we worship your Majesty.
But it's not only here when we meet together, you're with us out there, too, even though we may not sense your presence as we do here. Please, Lord, walk into our world and walk with us every day, because we need your guiding and your comforting presence. We've never walked this way before. We don't know what's before us today and this week, so we need a guide. We want to hear that inner voice that says, "This is the way, walk ye in it." And, Lord, as best as we understand your will, we want to tell you that we're already committed to follow.
And now we want to talk to you about some of our needs and requests. A while ago we thought of many different things on our hearts and minds and many raised their hands indicating a special request. So, right now as each one expresses their own request, as a group we bring them all to you and ask for your will to be done. Give us the assurance that you are hearing and answering our prayers.
There are some very critical and urgent needs here among us and with others in our fellowship not here today. There is anxiety and uncertainty regarding cancer and heart problems and malfunction of organs of the body, but you know all about that and you see each person and you know their individual and personal needs. When we're experiencing serious physical problems it's so easy to feel the attack of satan even in our spiritual life and we often question you because we can't understand why these things are happening. And when we ask for answers we don't get answers, at least it seems like we don't. Maybe we don't need to know, at least not for now. So we earnestly ask for healing of bodies and minds and emotions and spirits, because that's what we need, and bring comfort through the Holy Spirit.
And our world—we see tremendous needs and problems all around us and across our nation and around the world. We pray for our local and state and national leaders from our president on down. You said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord," and how we long for that to be true of our country. How much we need divine wisdom and guidance for all of our leaders and that's what we pray for today.
We're thankful for a renewed Pro-Life emphasis and interest, and for advances being made regarding the sanctity of life in some areas of our nation. As new proposals are being made we pray for those in authority that they will sensitive to your will regarding the unborn and even the old and infirmed and disabled and the attack on all human life.
And now we want to thank you for your direction and leading to us as a local church. Thank you for the progress that's being made regarding our new facility and all that's involved there. Continue to lead all those that are involved in the entire process.
We pray for all of the services and classes going on today with the infants in the nursery and those loving caring for them, for the children in their classes and church, the youth and adults in the various venues in their services. Meet with us all today and speak to us in meaningful ways. May your anointing be on Pastor Steve as he preaches today and may his words come from you in the power of the Holy Spirit.
We ask all these things with thanksgiving in the name of Jesus who taught us to pray: Our Father who art in heaven . . . . . .
By Pastor Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #19
Paul Meeks
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in the name of Jesus. We’re so thankful that we have the privilege of prayer and we do reach out to you and we know that you’re already reaching out to us. We thank you for sending your Son into our world, and we thank you, Jesus for coming so willingly. You’ve already been here in the world just as surely as we’re all here and you know all about life as we know it. Sometimes when we’re going through tough times we wonder if you know and understand. We sometimes wonder where you are, but you HAVE already been here and walked the way before us. Thank you for showing us the way.
We’re concerned about the hardships and difficulties that many of our countrymen are going through as a result of the hurricane and the devastation and loss of life. We see the pictures and hear the reporters trying to explain what they see, and we know that the people are all individuals that are going through the sorrow and loss. We pray that their hearts and minds will be open to the ministry of the Holy Spirit through thousands of men and women that are reaching out to them in so many different ways. We know that many of them know and love you, but many of them need to acknowledge you and become true believers. We pray that through the tragedies men and women and boys and girls will be turned to you. We know that life was not designed to be problem free, but by turning to you we can make it through.
We pray for those in our church who are passing through difficult times. They need you at this very moment in their lives in very special ways. We don’t need to try to hide things from you, but we can come just as we are. Look down inside each one of us and see the things that are there in our hearts and minds. You can do something about problems and difficulties, and we acknowledge that often what you change is us and our reactions and sometimes you change the situations. Anyway, you said your grace would be sufficient. Thank you, Lord, for always being there even when we’re not really aware of your presence.
We pray for those with physical problems. Some have been in the hospital this past week. Others are facing surgeries and treatments in the coming days and they need the assurance of your divine presence. Encourage and uplift them and may your grace be rich in their lives.
We pray for the students and faculty and staff at the beginning of this year. These are important days for all of them and we ask you to help them as they all work and cooperate together to make these the best experiences possible. Help the students as they make adjustments to school and dorm life and being away from home. We know that although there is excitement and there are new experiences, some are working through homesickness and new emotions. Make these great days for all of them.
We pray for our pastors and church leaders. May they all be sensitive to your leadership and direction. We want to be the kind of church that you want us to be and we want to give priority to those things that are close to your heart.
We pray for Pastor _____ as he ministers your Word this morning. May he sense your enabling presence as he speaks to us.
We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Paul Meeks
Pastoral Prayer by Paul Meeks #20
Our gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come to you today in Jesus’ name. It’s so good to be part of a vibrant, loving fellowship where exciting things are happening week after week. We want to keep pace with you and the moving of the Holy Spirit as you inspire and move us in your will and your way.
Today is especially meaningful as we have the Ketcham Family and the Fussners here for this time of consecration. We’ve followed both of these families for several years as they have been a part of our church.
We didn’t call them, you did that, but we do recognize your hand upon them and we want to confirm their call and pray your blessing on them.
Chase and Cindy and their children felt your call a few years ago and they have been in preparation to fulfill that call for many months and now the time has come for their move to their new home and place of their ministry. We can only wonder at this time where all Chase will be going to work on mission airplanes that will enable missionaries to do their work more efficiently. Lord, we pray that their move and transition will be easy for all five of them. They will be making new friends, so we as that they will feel comfortable from the very beginning. You’ve already prepared other children and youth to be friends to Neil and Andy and Jillian. They’ll miss their family and friends here, but we ask that they will feel at home and comfortable right away.
The Fussners have already had a
long career in missions, but during these days they’re adjusting to a new
country and new responsibilities. We pray for their family as they
continue to make adjustments with one son left behind here at Indiana Wesleyan
and the other two children in
We bring these two couples and their children to you and ask for your continual blessing on their lives and ministries. And we join our hearts together as we lay our hands on them and consecrate them to you and to your service.
We pray for all those assembled here in the various venues this morning and ask that we all may sense your presence as we worship you.
We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Paul Meeks