I don’t know who to vote for
they all have problems!
Since I have a very public
email address lots of evangelicals have been sending me warning emails about
the dangerous candidates recently. If I believe these emails there is really
nobody left I can trust.
Fred Thompson is both a womanizer and often practiced gay sex while
in Hollywood.
Mitt Romney fought to keep Marriot’s pornography channels while a
board member @ $25,000 per year.
John McCain fathered a black child that he and his wife later
adopted to protect his reputation.
Mike Huckabee regularly
visited massage parlors while pastoring his church in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Rudy Giuliani used tax dollars to build a love nest in the World
Trade Center for his affairs while married.
Ron Paul has taken more then six million dollars from al qaeda to promote U.S. isolationism.
John Edwards is a card-carrying member of NAMBLA—north
American Man-Boy Love Association.
Barak Obama is a secret
Muslim and wouldn’t put his hand on the Bible when sworn in as a Senator.
Clinton is a lesbian—which is why she
didn’t leave Bill after his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Of course, these rumors are
false but they still get forwarded by evangelicals to everyone on their address
list, including me. I don’t want to open discussion of these debunked Super
Market Tabloid-type trashy prevarications. Even mentioning them here as lies
will still cause some to spread them. But I mention them because I want to think
about what compels evangelicals to forward such emails so gleefully?
Do you have an explanation?
So what do you think?
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Keith Drury