How DARE you have 8
The birth of Nadya Suleman's octuplets have brought
to a head what researchers have been noticing in the air of the
USA’s—“righteous anger” at anyone who dares
to have a large family (let alone have eight kids all at once). I am less
interested here in Nadya’s situation (or the ethics
of implanting embryos) as in how
A recent study released from
(If you are in a hurry read the red sentences)
American life is
changing so that children are less central to the lives of Americans. p3 Marriage is undergoing a profound change and much of that
change is shifting the focus away from children. p4
More than half of all
births to women under thirty are now outside of marriage. p6
[At the same time]
child-centeredness within marriage is
fading—legally, socially and culturally, marriage is now defined primarily as a
couple relationship dedicated to the fulfillment of each individual’s innermost
needs and desires. p7
As recently at 1990,
65% of the public said that “children are very important to a successful
marriage.” By 2007…only slightly more than 40% agreed with that statement. p7
More women postpone
both marriage until later—to age 30 for college
educated women, and they postpone having children several more years producing
a new longer era of life—married before children. p12ff
Likewise “life after
children” has expanded—a women who reaches 65 can
expect to live 20 more years meaning she lives as much as 60 years of her life
without children. p11-12
More women are having
no children at all—24% of college educated women have no children at all—ever.
[Thus there is a shrinking number of people with children in a
society—and the rest are left to pay the bills for education and other
infrastructure supporting the next generation.]
Father absence is a
commonplace feature in a society where marriage and parenthood are splitting
apart. p17 Close to eight out of ten African-American children are born outside
marriage. p17 But father-absence is not limited to only one group—34% of
American children in 2000 were not living with their father—and that was nine
year ago. p18
[All this combines to
mean] there are a declining number of American households with children. The
percentage of American households with children has dropped from nearly five
out of ten in 1960 to slightly more then three out of ten today. Having
children means you are in the minority. p19-20
A factor is that
having children costs lots of money. To feed house and clothe a child to age 17
costs $204,060. And that does not count sports, music, camp, tutoring and the
like. The media’s insessant message is children are
budget-busters. For many parents the costs of child rearing means more debt,
smaller retirement savings and greater exposure to economic uncertainties then
they would otherwise have. [So more chose to live for themselves and opt out of
having kids.] p25-29
We are in the midst of a
profound change in American life. Demographically, socially and culturally, the
nation is shifting from a society of child-rearing families to a society of
child-free adults. p30
[Thus] parents today have
less political clout. In the last Presidential election, parents represented
slightly less than 40% of the electorate. In order to be heard parents will
have to must increasingly organize more like a special interest group and
explain themselves to a larger population. p31
Parents are losing
community support for funding of schools and youth activities. Voters are
rejecting school budgets with the idea that children are not the responsibility
of the childless adults. p31
Pop culture has
promoted programs like Friends and Sex and the City glamorizing and
sexualizing young urban child-less life. [and programs like The Office make children and families
seem unnecessary.] p32
The expressive values of
the adults-only world are at odds with the values of the child-rearing world.
The new ethos is libertarian; its outlook is present-minded; its pursuits
include the restless quest for new experiences; the preoccupation with youth
and sex appeal; a denial of suffering, loss of finitude; and confidence in
personal transformation through the make-over, the second chance and the new
beginning. In short
The cultural
devaluation of child-rearing is especially harmful in the American context. [in some European cultures parents are paid to rear the next
Parenting today is
commonly viewed as a private lifestyle choice that competes with other
appealing lifestyle choices. p36
[A sidebar analysis
shows this has been a long time coming and includes movements like
environmental activism and ZPG (save-the–world and have
no kids), Feminism (kids will sidetrack your career), libertarianism (you
choose what you want—just stay out of my pocket).] p41-41
thoughts I’m pondering after reading this study:
Could parenting in
Will the larger
child-free populace try to write children out of public budgets—pushing for the
elimination of income tax benefits for children, voting down funding for public
schools, and cutting back on college loans as they increasingly see children as
“the burden of the parents, not of society?” Are we headed toward the model of closed
schools, silent playgrounds and an aging population absorbed their own
comfortable life (and with reorganizing government to meet their own needs)?
To what extend do Christian young people agree that a “successful
marriage” is about (in order of the survey) [1]Sharing
household chores, [2]Sexual fulfillment and [3]Mutual interests—all ahead of “Having
children?” To what extent does the view of marriage uncovered by this secular
study pervade Christian young people? And, of marriage is mostly about those
three things, to what extent does that kind of partnership even require an opposite-sex
To what extent do we in the church encourage child-free
adulthood in our programming and ethos?
Is this good as we follow the changes in a culture or does it concern
us? We followed the up-with-singleness
culture with increased awareness and programming, will we follow the child-free
(or even child-prejudice?) movement too? Would that be bad or good?
How will this massive
cultural shift already in its advanced stages affect children’s and youth
programming in the church? The church often quietly adopts the culture’s values
after a few years of decrying it. Will we do this in the church on
child-rearing? If we do, what does this mean for future age-level staffing
positions in the church—for youth pastors, children’s ministries staff? Will an
increasing number of child-free adults on board question the expense per-person
of youth and children’s ministries? Will there be a push to exchange youth
pastor positions for a new position: senior adult pastor? Will child-free board
members expect couple-who-choose-to-have-kids to take care of their own kids’
Will the shrinking
number of adults-with-children hover even more as “helicopter parents” as they act
more like an interest group or minority? Will the quest to “raise a perfect
child” actually increase with the
parents as their numbers decrease?
How does all this
affect the home-school movement? To what extent is home schooling a product of it—parents taking full
responsibility for their own children without being a burden to the public treasury?
If churches actually
do eliminate youth programming, will some sort of home-youth-programming emerge?
Or will “mainlining” youth into adult program become more popular? Or will
regional children’s and youth programming emerge that parents will band
together to support—like they pay for swimming lessons, driving school, ballet
lessons, and soccer leagues?
Where does a society
wind up when it cares less about the next generation? Where does a church wind up when it cares less
about the next generation? How would denominations
reorganize if they cared less about the coming generations?
How should the church respond proactively to
these shifts—shift with them and adapt or somehow push back?
I’d really like to hear your thinking on this as
we in the church together ponder this shift in the culture. Changes like this
as slow and thus it is never an emergency to discuss—but slow changes are the
most permanent. Have you seen any evidence of this sort of shift in the last 10
So what do you think?
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Keith Drury February
24, 2009