Election ’08 Evangelical
Odds Sheet
Keith Drury
I was never interested in sports as a hobby—it seemed to be
a lot of money and noise about nothing in the end. Instead, I have always been interested in national
and international politics which is a lot of money and noise about a tiny bit
more. So, while it is too early to give
the “evangelical odds” on potential candidates, I’m gonna’
do it anyway. By “evangelical odds” I mean the position the various potential
candidates have of getting evangelical Christian’s support in my opinion. These are not my own personal opinions on the
candidates (I do that elsewhere), but are my general judgment on behalf of
evangelicals. I am accounting for the
fact that Republican evangelicals outnumber Democrats two to one and at the
same time almost 30% of evangelicals voted Democrat in the 2006 election. Figuring that all in, here is my
(Pictures may not load in Firfox)
Party |
Face |
Name |
Evangelicals odds |
Republicans |
Mike Huckabee |
The outgoing
John McCain |
The front running maverick
divorced cussing senator from EVANGELGRADE= B+ |
Mitt Romney |
The outgoing EVANGELGRADE= B+ |
Chuck Hagel |
Senator from Nebraska who
has been a critic of the execution of the war in Iraq but has a hard time
making people fall in love with him or working very hard for his cause. He is
a centrist candidate—but if evangelicals want a centrist they have others
with better chances of actually being elected. Zzzzzzzzz. EVANGELGRADE= B- |
Rudy Giuliani
The 9-11 hero former mayor
This space reserved for a new and exciting Republican
candidate I have misses—want to recommend one? |
Democrats |
Barack Obama |
If the Democrats wanted to
invent someone Republican Evangelicals might like they would have invented Barack. A centrist unifier who listens to the other side
and is open about his Christian faith. Evangelicals may even crossover and
vote for him in Democrat primaries just to defeat the hated Hillary. Of
course he’s a kid and untested. EVANGELGRADE= B |
John Edwards |
Remember him? He’s was the
nice guy that got beat. He seemed like he ought to be more memorable than he
is. His crusade against poverty has
attracted some big hearted evangelicals. And he is from the South—and
“Southern” is Baptist’s first name. But most consider him warmed over soup
from 2004. He does have credentials as a uniter—but
the last guy who had those credentials turned out to be more divisive than
anyone could have imagined. EVANGELGRADE= C+ |
Tom Vilsack |
Hillary Clinton |
Senator from |
John Kerry |
Evangelicals don’t hate
Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.. They just dismiss
him as a worn out buffoon. In this
they agree with many Democrats. EVANGELGRADE= F |
This space reserved for a new and exciting Democrat
candidate I have missed… Al Gore, anyone? Anyone/ |
So what
do you think? Who would you add and how do you grade these or others? click here to comment or read comments
December 1, 2006 Keith Drury