They’re laughing at you!
Emerging Tuesday Column: The
following are notes from my “Writer’s Notebook”—ideas that might develop into a
Tuesday Column. They are presented here
for two reasons: (a)because
some of you only need a seed idea to get what you want from me—something to
think about. And (b) some of you like to
give your input on the front end—shaping what I might later say. So either take this and think about it, or
respond with your input to
Boomers: They’re Laughing at you!
Have you ever had one of those eerie experiences when people are laughing behind your back—but they won’t tell you why? It is embarrassing. Well, I’m sorry to have to report to my fellow boomers that it’s happening to us!
I teach the emerging generation, especially in the area of worship. And they are snickering at the way we “contemporary” Boomers do our “up to date” worship. I’ve been using a simple questionnaire in my classes of the emerging generation—asking “What makes you laugh and snicker about the way most churches do worship?” Get ready for the answers. Here they are:
(Listed from most to less frequency)
1. The greeting time!--shaking
hands and saying fake things & giving fake compliments.
2. Happy songs; always acting happy; no place for
sadness or mourning, peppy songs.
3. A whole stage full of people
and instruments
4. Incessant clapping!
5. Singing to pre-recorded
sound tracks instead of live backup—ugh!
6. Always frantic—no time for
reflection and “down time.”
7. Dumb jokes and wisecracks by
the worship leader
8. Loud bass instruments in the
background that never stop
9. Performance oriented worship
10. Thinking a keyboard is cool!
(Listed in no particular order but representative of
the other comments)
So… what comes around goes around. We Boomers laughed at our parent’s worship styles. Now our kids come along laughing at how we do worship. So long as we didn’t know about it we were just fine. But now that we know…what shall we do? I know one Boomer who wrote “I’m no longer going to chase after new styles of worship.” HA! Why not? Because he finally got worship the way he wanted it. But now emerges a newer generation with different tastes. What shall we do? Freeze in our style and tell them to get lost or find another church if that’s what they want? Do we try to adapt some of our worship to satisfy their preferences…like some oldsters did when we had out own worship wars? Do we quit calling our Boomer service “contemporary” and admit it is traditional—and start a new service more geared to the emerging generation? Or do we totally renovate our worship styles for them and anger all the Boomer-cum-oldsters in our congregation?
What do you think?
Emerging Tuesday Column: The following
are notes from my “Writer’s Notebook”—ideas that might develop into a Tuesday
Column. They are presented here for two
reasons: (a)because
some of you only need a seed idea to get what you want from me—something to
think about. And (b) some of you like to
give your input on the front end—shaping what I might later say. So either take this and think about it, or
respond with your input to